Saturday, August 22, 2009

BILL IS COMING! again.....
I'm in Southampton....Mummy and I had breakfast at Hampton Coffee in Watermill.....I love sitting at the table. Guess it's a habit I picked up in Europe, but then again, I'm a little person inside the body of a dog! Mummy and I had the same to eat, granola and yogurt....yum yum.....

Then we went for a walk down to the! The beaches are closed for swimming because Bill is coming. Mummy said that's a hurricane and big winds and big tides and all this causes big waves. The waves were covering the whole beach. what about my beach walk and run and playing with a ball?? Can't do it! Oh well maybe tomorrow????

So don't try to go swimming if you live near here....Mummy says it's dangerous.........

Woof Woof

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