Monday, August 24, 2009


Hi it's Mumbai.
Well we had a great weekend and no rain! So I got to be outside a lot....

Mummy made breakfast on Sunday
with a few of her friends...and of course set a fun table...and there was a chair for me this time! She made parfait in a glass with granola yogurt and berries....but I didn't really like that! And I think that was wine in the for me???? am I at drinking age yet?????

And then Mummy took me for my first swim in the pool.....she told me that all dogs know how to do dog paddle....but I was a little first instinct was to get out! Maybe I'll get better, but for now i am not sure if swimming is my thing! I couldn't wait to just lie back down on a chaise , dry out and read the NY Post.......

I have been dying to try out my driving skills...but when I was in Mummy's car it was hard to see over the steering wheel.

The other morning when we went into town for a coffee ( water for me!)....lo and behold! What did I see but a car that was the perfect size for me!

The car belonged to a little boy..he was the same size as me. He told me that it ran on a battery....but the battery was flat! Probably a good thing....can you imagine me racing down Main St in this????? A Cadillac Jeep -mini mobile.......Wow....what a sight that would have been.!!??

I wish Mummy could get me one of these...then she wouldn't have to walk me...I could take myself to the pet store for the beach for a walk.....endless thoughts running through my mind...........

Well.....that's it for now....would love to hear from anyone who reads about me.......feel free to give a comment and any great ideas of things for me to do and see............

Woof Woof


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